Read the Bible Through in a YEAR….Getting Started

Here is a great tool to help you read the Bible through in a year.

bibleThe Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan offers special features that will aid you in you journey through the Bible:

  • By reading from four separate places in the Scripture every day you should be able to better grasp the unity of the Scriptures, as well as enjoy the variety of seeing four different viewpoints
  • You can begin at any point of the year
  • To prevent the frustration of falling behind, which most of us tend to do when following a Bible reading plan, each month of this plan gives you only 25 days of readings. Since you’ll have several “free days” each month, you could set aside Sunday to catch up on any readings you may have missed in the past week
  • If you finish the month’s readings by the 25th, you could use the final days of the month to study passages that challenged or intrigued you
  • If reading through the entire Bible in one year looms as too large a task, you can alter the plan to meet your needs. For example, you could read the gospels and the wisdom books this year, and the other two categories next year.

In the year ahead, ask God each day to speak directly to you from the Scripture portions you read. Be expectant, and let your continual exposure to God’s Word reshape your attitudes and behavior as you gain a better understanding of every part of His written testimony to us.

View the Bible Reading Plan.


For more Bible Reading Plan resources, visit the Navigators.

16 thoughts on “Read the Bible Through in a YEAR….Getting Started

  1. Do you have children’s bible reading?
    Knowing God through His Word…Day by Day for children?

  2. Hi! Thanks for your comment. The children’s Bible reading plan would be the same as offered here, if they want to read the whole Bible through in a year. Perhaps if they are younger, you could take just one of the four sections per day and finish reading the entire Bible in 4 years? You may download and print the four bookmarks to place in your Bible. Each family could make the decision on how many sections they will read each day….
    It is certainly an idea that I will think about. Offering some devotionals for parents to read with their children as they read through the Bible….great idea!

  3. I can’t find a link for the chart of a year. 0.o. give me a link, or where information for that, please thanks.

  4. Hi,
    Sorry, the website for that Bible Reading Plan changed. I have updated my site, so all you need to do is to go down near the bottom of the page and click on the link that says “Bible Reading Plan” That link will take you to the NavPress site where you can print off a copy of the plan. Bethlehem Baptist can no longer offer the bookmarks on their site due to copyright restrictions.
    Thanks for reading!

  5. Greetings from the UK. Thanks for the reading plan it has been a great help this year. The link to the very useful bookmarks seems to have broken down. I printed off the bookmarks for the 1st quarter but can’t get them for the rest of the year. Not a big issue – but they are useful!

    Keep up the excellent work.

  6. Hi David,
    I’m so glad to hear that you are reading in the UK! I have friends from the US who just arrived in Birmingham for a year and have been praying for them.
    The link in the first paragraph and again near the bottom of the page are working….it opens in a new browser window which brings up a pdf file for you to print. The pdf file is 2 pages, so click at the top of that page to advance it to page 2 for the second half of the year’s Bible readings. Hope this helps!
    God bless you are you read and come to know God more deeply this year!

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