The Costs and Blessings of Frontier Missons…John Piper on Matthew 10

As someone passionately active in missions (, I am still NOT on the frontlines.  I experience the joys of being involved and seeing God at work, but I do not yet personally suffer any of the costs of frontier missions.  John Piper explains the COSTS and the BLESSINGS of frontier missions, in his sermon, “I … More The Costs and Blessings of Frontier Missons…John Piper on Matthew 10

Jesus Calms the Storm- from the Visual Bible

In my volunteer work with Vernacular Video Mission International (, we are seeking to partner with and equip ethnic Christians who proclaim the Gospel through video in their common language.  One tool that is being used in many countries around the world is the Visual Bible, dubbed into the heart-language (vernacular) of the people in a … More Jesus Calms the Storm- from the Visual Bible